Resilience training is the experiential expression and source of a Radical Ecology. It represents the blending and fruition of Dynamic Yoga, Somatic Meditation and Slow Tantra into three experiential frequencies of Somatic Intimacy. By way of this Somatic Intimacy, mind and body become integrated in Consciousness as the opening of your Spiritual Heart, your Place of Greater Safety, allowing you to live with courage, compassion and solidarity.
Somatic Retuning recalibrate the neuromuscular-muscular capability of your body to establish Pathways of Wholeness through rhythmic movement and guided stillness.
Somatic Intuning deepens your Pathways of Wholeness through intimacy with your own Presence.
Somatic Attunement stabilises your Pathways of Wholeness through intimacy with 'others', including the natural world.
These three training frequencies are used in different ways in each of the five Somatic Resilience Trainings of Radical Ecology:
Embodied Resilience establishes Pathways of empathy and love
Deep Resilience establishes Pathways of pleasure and peacefulness
Sexual Resilience establishes Pathways of fearlessness and joy
Emotional Resilience establishes Pathways of courage and authenticity
Engaged Resilience establishes Pathways of solidarity and generosity
Resilience Training allows you to develop new neuromuscular habits. Because of the binary nature of the sensori-motor nervous system, changing habits of movement changes habits of perception. As you start to move more freely and easily you start to see and think more clearly. As you practice you establish new Pathways of Wholeness between the body and your Spiritual Heart. As they replace your old habits you begin to feel more centred, more safe, more at ease. Not only in your body, but also in your life and in the world.
Each training begins with establishing Pathways of Love by learning to nourish your body by softening the sensations it is generating in response to your movements. Deep Resilience Training then establishes Pathways of Pleasure and Peacefulness, by accessing the pleasure nature of your body. Sexual Resilience Training establishes Pathways of Fearlessness and Joy, by accessing the the love at the heart of desire. Emotional Resilience Training establishes Pathways of Openness and Courage, by accessing your Spiritual Resilience. Engaged Resilience Training establishes Pathways of Relationship and Solidarity, by establishing your body in a functional integrity, that embodies the Presence and nature of Wholeness.
These Pathways are opened from your body into your Place of Greater Safety. They are the stabilised and deepened with simple mindfulness practices done alone, with others and in Nature. This deepening allows the qualities of your Spiritual Heart to flow back along your new Pathways of Wholeness and into your everyday life. You become able to live with contentment, courage and compassion a life of empathy, authenticity and fulfilment. A life dedicated to giving rather than taking, sharing rather than accumulating, supporting rather than exploiting.